About Alumni Association
The RR Institute of Technology Alumni Association (RRITAA) is establishment in 2015 RRIT’s alumni have gained a strong foothold in the best Organizations, Companies and Industries of the world. RRITAA functions to support the connection between the institute and alumni for a mutually beneficial relationship. The Association helps Alumni interface with the Administration and Students through a series of homecomings & reunions held at RRIT Campus through the year. The committee also organizes alumni interaction sessions for the current batch of students from time to time on a variety of topics through its Alumni Talkies initiative. The Association also manages an online portal for Alumni and works together with an independent, registered body of Alumnus to drive mutual benefits for the institution.

1. To provide excellent technical education in the field of Information Science & Engineering to meet the needs of industry.
2. To be engaged in creative research and to learn from outreach activities.
3. To impart ethical and leadership qualities to enhance professionalism and turn student to socially responsible citizens.

To impart quality education in order to produce outstanding technocrats and to enhance Information Science & Engineering related research activities.
Association Registration