"To Identify the opportunities that will allow the growth and success of every student through Develop interdisciplinary learning environments that teach students to see new opportunities out of present ordinary human life pattern and students to be given the chance to see new business opportunities and to carry them to materialization with Sponsoring the monetary funds, technological and logistical assistance to the future job providers rather than job seekers ".

"To expand the entrepreneurship through education, research and training, thus speed up the economic growth, by increasing the supply of new entrepreneurs and build up performance of the existing ones. Initiate entrepreneurial culture within the institutional mechanism and recognizes their responsibility for providing motivation, guidance, opportunity to women and weaker section entrepreneurs of the society and other services to prospective and budding new entrepreneurs ".

The main objective of this cell is to train and motivate the students to become Job Creators rather than Job Seekers.
- To inculcate the entrepreneurial culture into their minds.
- To conduct
- - Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EAC)
- - Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP)
- - Faculty Develpment programs (FDP)
- - Skill development programs (SDP)
- - for the S&T persons of our college as well as students from neighboring institutions and any graduate student in Tamil Nadu.
- To assist them in starting industries of their own right from
- - Product Identification (PI)
- - Market Survey, tools for market research
- - Reparation of Project Reports
- - Assist them in getting Technical feasibility Reports.
- To liaison with various external agencies like CIPET, NSIC, CFTRI, CLRI, SIPCOT, SIDCO, SISI, DIC and leading Financial Institutions & Banks like IDBI, SIDBI, TIIC, Indian Bank and others.
- Consultancy and research

- ED CELL organizes EAC-2016 for the benefit of the Final year students of all Engineering Branch students .
- 97 students actively participated in this 3 day- EAC program
- Event held from 21/04/2016 to 23/04/2016 at RRIT Seminar Hall. Timings from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
- Sri Jaya Ramu , President of PIA, and Hon. Secretary Giri . M, inaugurated the program
- Speakers on 21/04/16 are 1. Prof .Ramesh, chairman, EDII 2. Prof. Rama Prabhu , Micro Nova , Bangalore.
- Speakers on 22/04/2016 in morning session 1. Prof. Sridhar Hegde.
- Afternoon session: Industrial Visit.
- Visited G.S. Gears pvt.Ltd. company, M.R.K Industries etc total 6 companies visited. Students observed how the gears manufactured and different components of the machines, cooling process etc atPeenya .
- On 23/04/2016 Prof. Ramaiah from DIC, rural Bangalore, explained the loan process and subsidies . After Alumni of RRIT concluded the program in Valedictory session.